EB-Biz 1 (English Basics on Business Part 1)
Syllabus v.1 (April 10, 2022)

MEIT (EIT School @ Myeik)

Objectives of EB-Biz 1

Expected Learning Outcomes of EB-Biz 1

Prerequisite:     Basic English Skills (in both oral and written communication)
Term Length:     6 months

Weight Ratio in EB-Biz 1 between Oral and Written Communication Skills:

   Oral    8     Conversation & Oral Presentation at the Workplace
   Written    2     Dictation of Conversation; Creation of Presentation Slides

Part A: Conversation at the Workplace

Generic Lesson Plan: 60-min Lessons 3 Times a Week for 5 Months

1st 30 min: Comprehension of a Conversation in a Video (about 5 min conversation)
5 min    Play the theme video of the day
10 min    Pick some key words & phrases in the conversation and teach their various usages [ This part could be done after showing a transcript of the video ]
10 min    Repeatedly play the video (possibly slow down the replay speed by using VLC) Make learners listen to the video and try to dictate its conversation
5 min    Show a transcript of the video to the learners and explain the conversation [ After a lesson, the transcript will be posted on our website for their review ]

2nd 30 min: Practice of Conversation by Group
[ Divide learners into groups whose size is same as the number of characters in the video ]
20 min    Make the learners in each group have role play exercises in turn by switching roles of group members
10 min    Case 1: Pick a learner for each character from all learners (e.g., randomly or in turn) Have the selected learners do role play Repeat to select other learners and have them do role play
Case 2: Give learners a variation of the theme script (to be prepared by the instructor) Have the learners practice the variation script

Homework Assignments (the amount of homework is commonly 1~2 times a lesson time)

Last 1 Week: Overall Review Exercises by Group

Part B: Oral Presentation at the Workplace

Tool: Google Slides (available for free to all Google account owners)
OR PowerPoint if no conflict with PB courses and laptops will be available for EB-Biz1

60-min Lessons 3 Times a Week for 4 Weeks (Possibly expanded if Part A is shortened)

Week #1    Rules of Thumb for Oral Presentation
Week #2    Guidelines & Techniques for Slide Creation
Week #3    Executive Summary or Handout
Week #4    Practice of Oral Presentations in Project Meetings
Example 1: Marketing Research Report within a Department
Example 2: Department's Financial Report to a Manager
Example 3: Project Proposal to Executives<