PB-1 (Programming Basics Part 1)
Syllabus v.1
MEIT (EIT School @ Myeik)

PB-1 is the first one of 3-course series PB-1, PB-2 and PB-3. Each of the 3 courses is expected to take about 3 months (12 ~ 13 weeks). This 3-course PB series is designed to substitute for an introductory EIT Pro course IT-PB that has been given to new EIT Pro trainees by the IT coach of EIT Pro. As a result of ongoing curriculum changes, successful completion of the PB series is required to applicants for admission to EIT Pro.

Major differences between IT-PB of EIT Pro and PB series of MEIT:

Objectives of the PB Series

Prerequisite:     ITL (IT Literacy Tutorial)
Term Length:     3 months (12 ~ 13 weeks)

Course Outline

# 1   Getting Started

IDE Visual Studio Code
  • Create a New Project
  • Coding on an Editor
  • Run a JavaScript Code

Input, Output, Variables, Data Types, and Assignments
  • Simple Input/Output
    • console.log
    • alert
    • prompt
    • confirm
  • Template Literals
  • Variables, Data Types, and Assignments
    • Variable Identifiers
    • Primitive Data Types: number (integer, floating-point), string, boolean
    • Assignment of the Right-Hand Side Value into the Left-Hand Side Variable

# 2   Arithmetic Expressions and Arithmetic Operators
  • Operators +. -, *, /, **, %
  • Precedence among Operators
  • How to Use Parentheses for Disambiguation
  • Assignment Operators +=, -=, *=, /=
# 3   Branch Statements
  • if-then Statement
  • if-then-else Statement
  • Nested if Statement
  • switch case Statement
Arithmetic Comparisons and Logical Operators
  • ==, !=, ===, !==
  • <, <=, >, >=
  • &&, ||, !
# 4   Debugging
  • How to Use Debugger
  • Try to Debug Buggy Example Code
  • How to Narrow Down a Bug
  • How to Trace an Execution of Code
  • Write a Program Using All #1 - #4
# 5   Introduction to HTML
  • What Is HTML?
  • Commonly Used Tags for Formatting
  • Meta Tags in Header
  • Creating Simple Web Pages
  • Hyperlinks
  • Embedded Images
  • JavaScript Code Embedded in a Web Page
  • Linking an External JavaScript File to an HTML File
# 6   String Data Type
  • Input
  • String Operators
  • String Property length
  • String Methods
  • Output
# 7   JavaScript with a Simple HTML Form as a User Interface
  • HTML DOM (Document Object Model)
  • HTML Form
  • Input Field (Textbox)
  • Textarea
  • Buttons
  • Checkbox
  • Output
# 8   Bounded Loops
  • for Loop
  • Iteration Upper Bound
  • Iteration Step Operators (Increment or Decrement by ++ or --)
  • break Statement
# 9   Indefinite Loops
  • while Loop
  • Termination Condition
  • continue Statement and label Statement
  • Caveat on an Infinite Loop
# 10
- # 12
  Project for Completion
  • Software Development in 2 ~ 3 Weeks
  • Presentation & Demo by Each Learner